
Intelligence Report: Stages of Wokeness


It is fascinating to watch someone gradually self-destruct as the mind virus of leftist wokeness takes them over.

It is one thing to understand the theory behind how leftist ideology can indoctrinate vulnerable people and make them think and act in all the dysfunctional ways that leftists do but it’s another to see it happening right in front of you.

It is a train wreck in slow motion, you know you shouldn’t look but you can’t help to anyway because it is such a spectacle. While it can be initially sad to see previously normal people lose themselves to leftism and become bitter, maladjusted individuals who think doubling down and bad ideas and choices will make things better, after a while you learn to enjoy the show with some popcorn, and use them as examples for others not to follow in their path.

After extensive field observations of woke zoomers and millennials in his workplace, Talon has deduced that the wokeness mind virus infection takes several distinct stages. In the interest of education of fellow Red Pillers he has decided to detail it here:


regardless-of-class-mainStage 1: Ideological Infection

The individual has just been infected by the woke mind virus. Common routes of infection come from high-risk activities such as spending too much time in leftist echo-chambers such as Twitter and consuming degenerate western media. In this early stage, the leftist worldview slowly starts to colour every idea the infected individual has prior to infection.

At this stage it is still mainly a mental condition, the person appears normal on the outside until you sound them off and realise leftism have subverted some of their beliefs. Common symptoms at this point are SJW buzzword dropping and becoming “conscious” of social issues from the leftist perspetive.

Many zoomers and millennials infected by the woke virus are at this stage. It is still possible to rescue them with the red-pill but depending on the level of leftist subversion and self-awareness on part of the infected results can vary.

a6b2f140-b29f-11e9-bdbd-13d5baa4e261Stage 2: Complete Mental Takeover

Wokeness has now taken over all of their beliefs and is the primary worldview that they now use as a lens to evaluate all of reality by. A person in stage 2 is quite easy to spot because you don’t need to take any effort to tell if they are woke, they tell you.

A person at this stage has fully and officially inducted themselves into the cult of woke. They don’t merely “agree” with some tenets of leftism but have gone full in and devoted themselves fully to the cause. They see spreading wokeness as a social, cultural and moral mission that they need to dedicate their lives to fulfilling.

If they are from any groups considered privileged in the ideology of woke, there is an additional duty of needing to constantly repent of their original sin of privilege and rid themselves of the offending identity.

These people may still look normal at this stage, but their minds have been fully taken over and you often can immediately tell by talking to them. A red piller can try rescuing people in these stages if they care about them, but they are likely to see you as enemies and seek to destroy you at every turn so be careful. It is possible, with a constant and gentle application of red pill ideas to arrest or even reverse the advancement of the woke infection to Stage 3, the physical stage.

Stage 3: Physical Manifestations 

One insidious way the wokeness mind virus enforces it’s hold on the minds and bodies of the infected is by driving them to make drastic lifestyle choices that physically change who they are, often with irreversible consequences.

At this stage the celebration of all sorts of dysfunction such as glorifying mental illness, encouraging dysfunctional degenerate lifestyles, engaging in unhealthy activities and body modification are common.

The performance of woke is no longer mental and verbal, people in this stage of woke disease seek to differentiate themselves for the masses by things such as getting stupid tattoos, dyeing their hair in disgusting colours. Their devotion to woke culture demands that they spit on traditional notions of propriety and beauty as part of a constant liberation from systems of oppression and thus they act accordingly.

People at this stage are very hard to rescue, the main goal of a red pillar in this case is to limit the damage they can do to others. This condition sets them up for the last and final stage.

Stage 4: Full Woke

Infected woke who stay long enough in Stage 3 often transit to the final stage- a point at which they are so woke their very minds and bodies have been completely taken over by their devotion to the cause.

Glorification of mental illness, elective unhealthy conditions, gender-ambiguity and all sorts of perversion and degeneracy are considered fair game as long as they are in opposition to all that is traditional and conservative.

Expect drastic forms of bodily modification, gender-fluidity, mental illness and physical conditions like elective obesity in people in Stage 4 of the woke disease. The formation and circulation of cutting-edge woke ideas that might be controversial to those in Stage 1, such as pushing transgenderism on children and will also be common, set up to be the next woke dogma to be pushed out in the coming years.

The infected in this stage have fully and truly rejected everything that has to do with what mainstream society considers to be the traditional. They have well and truly defined themselves only by woke and their full devotion to ushering in a woke future. It is virtually impossible to bring such people back from the brink, and as with Stage 3 the main goal of a red pill social insurgent is to limit the damage they do to those around them.


Being in Singapore where the woke pandemic is still in the early stages of making landfall here, we mainly have Stage 1-3 type individuals moving around.

The vast majority of infected here are zoomers and millennials in Singapore are still at Stage 1, they see woke ideas as innocent, reasonable and correct, allowing it to shape the way they view the world.

Some are in Stage 2, and you can mainly see them in the Singaporean woke Twitter echo chambers where they furiously tote out their daily sermons of woke, some of them have already transmitted to Stage 3 with the stupid tattoos, hair colours and destructive lifestyles but they are relatively uncommon as Singapore still has a strong traditional core regarding ideas of beauty and propriety that buffers against this.

For now.

Most of the woke in Talon’s workplace are infected in Stages 1 and 2, but there are a few notable individuals who have made the jump the Stage 3 with the stupid hair and tattoos. It always saddens Talon to see previously well-adjusted young adults become bitter, unbalanced individuals who now view everyone outside of their woke cult as evil.

Some have even been estranged from their own parents, seeing them as evil, right-wing racists because the woke demands that it should cover all all, even the bond between parent and child. These young adults are headed on the path of disfunction, delusion and degeneracy, slaves to a mind virus that is slowly turning them into automations to destroy the very society they live in. This is why it is the duty of red pillers wherever they are to resist the woke invasion and engage themselves int the culture war, it is a fight for your way of life.

It is a fight for your future.

Tactics: Don’t Bother Debating SJWs, Appeal to the Silent Majority



This is obvious to anyone who has been red-pilled for a while but it’s worth mentioning again:

Do not bother debating with SJWs.

One common mistake a new red-pilled person is to go out there and start debating with every SJW that they come across. Not only is this a complete waste of time as progressives do not base their beliefs on empirical rationality it is also dangerous as one runs the risk of being labelled as a wrongthinker and set up for cancellation by the SJW mob.

Remember that SJWs have deeply vested their personal identities in their public performances of social justice activism and do not take kindly to those being debunked. They are not looking for truth as they believe that they have already found it and all that remains is to convert the ignorant unwoke masses.

Let me say this again: DO NOT BOTHER DEBATING SJWs.

In ideological warfare such as this, it is important to realise your advantages and leverage on them. Unlike SJWs that need constant public performances to maintain their social justice credentials among their woke peers, red-pill social insurgents have no need for such theatre.

Remember you understand SJWs much better than they understand you, and that is where your advantage lies. Keep the information asymmetry in your favour, always understand the ideological field of battle better than your opponents.

So if you are not trying to change the opinions of SJWs who are you appealing to instead?

The silent audience, those that watch from the sidelines of the culture war. This is the silent majority looking at unease at the ongoing trends towards progressivism trying to stay out of it all.

Many of them have been exposed to SJWs trying to convert them at some point, or have seen how SJWs are trying to impose their way of life and thinking on everyone else but don’t really understand what the fuss is all about. Many know something is amiss with the whole SJW sales pitch but don’t really have a framework to articulate what they feel is disingenuous about the whole thing.

Those that see the problems with SJWism are often afraid to speak up as well, because they have seen how quickly individuals who question the SJW gospel is immediately attacked by a mob of woke people hunting for a scapegoat for the next two minute of hate.

There are many of them, the silent majority.

These are the people you appeal to.

These are the ones most open to red-pill truth as they have already rejected the SJW agenda, and are just waiting to be equipped with the armour and weapons that they will need to protect themselves with and fight the culture war for the values they believe in.

So pick your battles well, don’t get into interactions with SJWs inside echo chambers full of SJWs. That is just a waste of time. Always find battlegrounds where you know there will be a big silent audience, be it online or IRL. Remember that these interactions with SJWs are not discussions or conversations to discover the truth, but rather ideological battles for the hearts and minds of the majority.

Use your interactions with SJW not for debate, as that is pointless, but for opportunities to drop red-pill truth bombs for the silent audience to see. Keep your statements simple and concise. Mock SJW ideas with sarcasm and always maintain a frame of bemused mastery.

Always keep SJWs off balance, and bait them into wasting energy in writing long walls of text and making long explanations no one will bother to read. Reply with one-liner truth bombs but keep things vague enough that you can still retain plausible deniability on your actual positions.

SJWs will try to trap you of course, but just ghost them. Remember that debates are not won by who has the last word, but by who drops the most powerful truth bombs that sways the silent majority.

Remember that there is building backlash to the excesses and intrusiveness of the SJW movement. The silent audience is rooting for you because they have been waiting for someone to stand up to them.

But remember in all of this, do not reveal yourself as a red-pill social insurgent. Learn to use simple words to describe red-pill truths without dropping any of the lingo as that is a giveaway to the other side. Only use those in conversations with other red-pill people. The ability to deliver red-pill truths in common language is an important skill, so learn to use that.

Always remember that you don’t debate SJWs. They are platforms and useful idiots for you to red-pill the silent audience into joining the fight for the future soul of Singapore against the creeping infiltration of SJW ideology.

Outside of leftists no one wants Singapore to be an SJW dystopia, so start building your tribe now. These people will be found in the silent audience, focus your energies on them.

The Culture War is Here


The Culture Wars, Part 1 - RECKONIN'

Remember a few years back when Talon was predicting the culture wars of the west will come to Singapore?

Well it is now here.

Brownface sagas, anti-chinese raps, young people foolishly jumping on the BLM bandwagon and making cringe worthy posts on social media, calls to tear down Raffles’ statue… these are but a few incidents that have brought the extent of leftist infiltration into the cultural landscape of Singapore to the attention of the silent majority.

There will be more to come.

It is in the nature of progressives to spread their pseudo-moralism as far and wide as possible, telling you the things you should do and think. If you are not prepared for them, which most people are, you will soon find them on your doorstep baying for your tribute to the cult of wokeness or else.

It’s time to get ready. Learn about your opponents, know how they operate. Knowing is half the battle. One advantage you have is that they do not know that you, the cultural insurgent exist. Use that to your advantage.

These will be trying times. Find your brothers. Build your tribe. These coming years will be one of a struggle for the cultural soul of Singapore.


#metoo in Singapore


Talon’s deep recce mission into the progressive paces of Singapore started a few months back when he started working in an industry that put him straight within the SJW scene in the nation. The regressives he interact with think he is just another average unwoke Singaporean and he uses that to bait them into revealing their ideologies, strategies and long term objectives. The bounty has been good.

Now he tells you what you as a Red Pill masculine man need to do to fight regressive infiltration in Singapore.

Most of you who are somewhat media-savvy would have been aware of the latest progressive moral panic sparked off by some Hollywood liberals that turned out to be sexual predators.

To say that this is a moral panic is somewhat of an understatement, it is more of a witch hunt with a flaming bandwagon where feminists, reeling from the various setbacks of the past year with the shitlord uprising sparked off by the weakening liberal narrative, have been scrambling head over heels to regain the capitalise on- basically by using it as an memetic weapon to regain the initiative.

The strategy is simple: use the moral panic to get as many women on board their cause as possible via an all-encompassing meme that conflates all negative interactions with men as sexual victimisation, and use that to force in their other ideological claims along with demands that things be changed to better suit them.

It won’t work in the long game of course, feminism is now the empress without clothes and more people are seeing it each day as the various absurdities of feminism grow more egregious, in part fuelled by increasing Red Pill awareness. However this does not preclude the reality that the #metoo moral panic remains a potent short term weapon in the regressive arsenal.

They seek a state of affairs where feminism holds all the cards holding the power to arbitrarily define and accuse men of sexual misconduct, having the power to completely destroy everything a man has worked for in reputation, career and social connections on the mere power of an accusation, regardless of merit. As a Red Pill man you need to know how to defend yourself from this latest feminist memetic weapon.

Naturally #metoo was as attractive to local feminists as garbage is to flies, it didn’t take long for all my millennial feminist coworkers to start sharing their various #metoo experiences, most of them largely revolving around unpleasant encounters with creepy beta men or loosely defined street harassment that involved men staring or making them feel unsafe.

Undoubtedly many of the accounts were embellished for dramatic effect, being the feminists that they are (remember SJWs always lie), and capped off with demands to take the one-sided stories of many of the #metoo posts as gospel truth.

It didn’t take long for the #metoo posts to devolve into social media demands that men take action about it, which in their minds meant becoming grovelling feminists allies and “improving” themselves. Some of the beta men took the bait, and a couple of manginas and white knights saw it as a chance to raise their near-zero chance of attracting women by proving they were “better” men.

All in all it was a pretty good team-bonding virtue signalling experience for the sisterhood at my workplace, and they probably felt that their feminism was energised by the tribal belief in their shared victimisation.

The various ideological problems with #metoo have been covered in many manosphere and mainstream articles, so I won’t reinvent the wheel here. What I am going to talk about is the implications it has for men here, and what Red Pill men should do about it.

Fortunately Singapore hasn’t gone full libetard the way of the west yet, although it is gradually shifting that way and it doesn’t help that the incumbent government is starting to humour regressives, probably as way of staying relevant to the younger crowd.

Built on pragmatism, Singapore is naturally SJW-resistant, meaning the #metoo hash was largely trending among the english educated liberal demographics, which are (still) a minority. Nevertheless we are seeing a rise of local liberal online publications that present progressive shibboleths as if they are majority opinion.

The real battle for Singapore is not over the present, but the future. Never look at the present and think that you are safe or things aren’t so bad yet. Remember that in times of abundance feel-good progressive ideologies will progress as there are less penalties for entertaining bad ideas.

So while the social impact of #metoo is limited to local liberals making noise to get on the bandwagon and some online progressive media outlets covering it, one can only expect the importation of SJW moral panics to become increasingly common in the future. The people in my workplace certainly hope to make this a reality.

The main use of #metoo for the local Red Pill man is in it being a sounding board and litmus test for just how far along the taint of progressiveness as crept in his social circle. The way someone shares a #metoo provides useful intelligence on how radically left they are.

While a good deal of the #metoo posts are just shared as people jumping on the bandwagon of an internet trend, it is also used by many local progressives to virtue signal. Look out for signs such as the use of SJW buzzwords and long polemics involving progressive gender dogma. These are useful in knowing the disposition of your enemy and how they think. Even the way casual bandwagoners share a #metoo can provide you insight into how far along they are in accepting progressive dogma as the mainstream moral standard of behaviour.

All this information is useful for the Red Pill insurgent, it allows you to know who your enemy is and where they are. It allows you to also locate potential recruits and allies, plan accordingly. Be on the look out for those who express scepticism and criticism of #metoo, more so if they drop a nugget or two of subtle Red Pill truths in there. They are possibly fellow social insurgents.

Remember in the new battle grounds of the culture war you are surrounded and outnumbered. Your enemy currently has the advantage in that they have gotten their dogma to be recognised as the de facto moral authority and standard, and are ever pushing things their way in small steps. You are also outnumbered by the large number of Blue Pillers who go long with the enemy without knowing that they are actually acting against their interests.

However know that you have the Red Pill knowledge on your side along with the antifragility and flexibility of an insurgent force that can fade into the background and choose it’s time and place of battle. Use your enemies tools for your own means to gather intelligence and locate allies.

The culture war is already on for the Singapore narrative, and you need to fight with every tactic that you know. The only other choice is surrender.

Liberal Shibboleths: Singapore Edition


An article published by the Straits Times regarding local firms putting money into Pink Dot 2017 provides some insight into the current shibboleths in circulation within the liberal community in Singapore. While the current state of LGBT affairs and Pink Dot is something Talon does have a fair bit to write on that is for another post. What I am going to address here is how a quick look at the press statements of the supporting organisations quickly ticks off the checkboxes of terms liberals are fond of using:

Another sponsor is TV production company Hoods Inc. Its co-founder Bratina Tay, 42, said: “We believe in equality and we do not believe in discrimination. We’re not imposing our beliefs on other people; it’s just what we believe in. If this helps to bring awareness to the public, we are happy to do so.”

Digital agency Xpointo Media contributed $5,000. Its managing director, Ms Kathy Teo, 45, said: “Diversity and inclusion are important values to our company. Broadcasting our commitment to these values is good for business.”

Shibboleths, a shorthand term for the commonly repeated terms, ideas and beliefs within a community, are a good way of sizing up the idealogical stances of people around you. You should be especially alert if you hear someone dropping them at a good rate. At the rate these common liberal shibboleths were being dropped in the quotes, one can get a good picture of the probable idealogical stances of these people beyond just putting money for Pink Dot.

The terms commonly tagged to liberal Shibboleths aren’t merely words, they are refined expressions of the ideology they come from and carry a lot of baggage. When a progressive uses terms like “equality”, “discrimination”, “awareness”,”diversity” or “inclusion”, they don’t mean it in a way that people commonly understand them, but rather the way that progressives do.

The trick is to convince everyone that it is the progressive definition of the term, with all it’s associated progressive ideological baggage, is the one that everyone should go by. If not subjected to Red Pill resistance, the redefinition of these terms to come under the regressive agenda is all but inevitable.

You see it everywhere in how terms like “racism” and “privilege” have been somewhat successfully subverted by regressives to the advantage of their ideologies. Language is a powerful tool and the one who controls the definition of words holds the power.

As Red Pill social insurgents who can see through the regressive liberal delusions, shibboleths are useful as it allows you to quickly sound off and size up the people you interact with and gain intel on what ideologies they subscribe to as well as the level of their commitment to cause.

A person dropping one or two shibboleths occasionally is probably just your run of the mill Blue Pill who has had exposure to liberal ideas in common media and has has a layperson’s understanding of it, and might even prove a good prospect for you to plant the seed of Red Pill doubt in them by gently cracking these ideas with them in casual conversation. The ones dropping multiple shibboleths repeatedly almost all the time are probably not casuals, and are people you certainly need to be careful around.

As always, be careful in letting your own shibboleths slip when talking to non-Red Pills. If possible, find new ways of presenting Red Pill ideas without resorting to cliches or terms that are in common use within the Manosphere.

This serves several purposes- it helps you to maintain cover as a social insurgent, it prevents people who have been programmed by mainstream bluepill thought from being triggered at the mere mention of Red Pill terms, and crucially, also allows you to approach your own ideas from new angles to find new memetic combinations to strike out in your insurgency against the regressive invasion.

Understanding shibboleths and using them to maximal effect for your Red-Pill insurgency to is a crucial skill. Master not just your own memes, but that of your enemy’s as well.

How Feminists View The World

Quite literally:


Wilful ignorance of proportion in feminist dogma is nothing that Red Pills don’t already know, but things like this are good to take note of now and then to realise that no matter what they say, if you have an XY chromosome they are not on your side.

Your problems are invisible to them, and worse they expect disproportionate attention to their issues even when it is clear that you take the lion’s share of the shit-sandwich.

Keep this in mind the next time your stronk fierce feminist friend attempts to beat everyone over the head with how women are the ultimate over 9000 oppressed class, and nuke her attempts to guilt trip everyone by calmly pointing out it’s quite apparent she is only seeing what she wants to see. Nuggets of truth like this are also good for gradually unplugging your blue pill friends.

The Manipulations of Chinese Privilege


It has been a few years since Sangeetha started her Chinese Privilege gig, creating a meme that has managed to make significant headway into the ideological space of the English-educated and speaking crowd in Singapore.

While Sangeetha apparently hasn’t been able to make much money off her original subscription model of SJWism for her Singaporean Chinese Privilege blog, which apparently had only two subscribers after an extended run, she has moved out into farming Chinese Privilege by hawking it in educational institutions as well as shaking down guilty Chinese Allies for money or bashing whatever non-Southern Indian group that has earned her ire. The demands for money, resources and power can get quite comedic at times, and they make for good popcorn time material.

Whatever you may think of Sangeetha and her histrionics, you cannot deny that she has managed to create something that is expected to be around for quite a while which will be an issue that every Red Pill social insurgent will eventually have to tackle.

There are excellent takedowns of Sangeetha’s Chinese Privilege out there, and they provide deep analysis and deconstruction, showing why as a social theory to describe and approach race relations in Singapore it is not only highly suspect, but also dangerous for the social fabric of Singapore. These are works you should verse yourself in to better understand the issue.

But while I do think these works are great takedowns of Sangeetha’s Chinese Privilege, I do feel they lack something fundamental that has limited that effectiveness in changing opinions on the matter.

They are logical.

Yep that’s the problem, they are too logical.

The Chinese Privilege gig sells well to the progressive leftist crowd in Singapore not because it is a well-constructed thesis but because it is designed to push as many emotional buttons as possible among minorities and English-speaking Chinese Progressives in Singapore. As a work of manipulating emotions and recruiting minorities and liberals it has proven to be quite useful.

Logical takedowns of Sangeetha miss the manipulative nature of her ideology out entirely to focus on the rational merit of argument she is making, forgetting that Chinese Privilege sells not based on logic, but by provoking emotion.

While Sangeetha’s Chinese Privilege may take the appearance of an academic exercise, it is just that, a facade.

Remember the whole Chinese Privilege meme is not meant to be logically consistent, but just appear plausibly enough so in order to stoke minority anger.

To understand how to best combat the damaging effects of Sangeetha’s Chinese Privilege narrative on the social fabric of Singapore one needs to understand that nature of how it persuades, provokes and spreads its influence. Logical takedowns generally neglect this, and end up serving merely as textbook answers that lack persuasive power.

So with that, Talon shall look at the foundations of Sangeetha’s Chinese Privilege memes in terms of how it is structured to persuade and manipulate.

Chinese Privilege has proven to be quite effective in manipulating people because it works on multiple levels. Let’s look at them now:

1) Manipulating Emotions- Casual Irritations as Systemic Racism

Understanding the meme of Chinese Privilege as one that generally spreads via an appeal to emotion becomes useful when you look beyond the academic writings that Sangeetha puts out to examine the secondary material in her inflammatory anti-Chinese hysterics on social media. These serve as an informal “real-world” expression of her ideology.

While these hysterics serve an to stoke emotions among her social circle in support of her social theories, and also provide us social insurgents some insight into her psyche, it is important to note that the “academic” side of Chinese Privilege gives justifications for Sangeetha acting in ways that could be quite reasonably considered racist.

For the people who have been harbouring large grudges against the Chinese majority in Singapore for various reasons, an academic justification allowing them to act out in is incredibly attractive. This is why a fair bit of people are willing to ignore the inconsistencies and sheer fabrications of fact even when they are glaringly obvious.

Sangeetha has managed to successfully up-sell latent casual racism in Singapore as systemic, exaggerating the actions of an insensitive minority of the Chinese as an institutional issue. On top of that, she has also redefined any inconvenience that minorities often face by virtue of being different from the rest as an issue of overt racism and discrimination, as opposed to finding alternative plausible explanations for that.

Remember under Chinese Privilege, any bad feels from the minority in regards to the majority is a result of Chinese racism.

Now casual racism is latent in all populations due to individual dispositions. This is unfortunate but it is another thing to claim it’s a systemic issue (ie. The system is actively out to get you.)

It is simple math in action. Even if all the races in Singapore had similar levels of casual racism, a member of the minority is simply way more likely to run into an idiot from the majority by virtue of the sheer numbers of them around. This does not mean that the majority as a group is out to get you, but that you are more likely to run into an idiot from it.

Sangeetha spins this statistical reality and distorts it to convince minorities that the Chinese as a class (if they aren’t self-identified allies on her bandwagon) are out to get them, and it works because most people can’t understand proportional representation.

To top this off, Sangeetha moves to reframe things that are due to simple demographic math in play as an example of deliberate systemic discrimination. The economies of scale that the Chinese can employ by virtue of being more numerous, such as being able to use Mandarin as a lingua franca for non-English speakers in employment are now redefined as racism. Advertisements targeted at the biggest demographic market is sold as discrimination against minorities (because targeted marketing ignoring is racist). So on so forth.

All unfortunate minor irritations (microaggressions) that minorities face are reframed as an example of a massive Chinese hegemonic conspiracy to disenfranchise minorities under the meme of Chinese Privilege.

It does not matter that there are alternative explanations that are more inane and don’t need to bring up accusations of racism, why? Because these explanations do not provide emotional relief in giving a bogeyman to bash.

A great part of the manipulative power Sangeetha’s Chinese Privilege meme comes from the ability to continually redefine all minor irritations that minorities face as racism. While such “everything annoying is racism” sentiments are not new Sangeetha has managed to present an easily understood, applicable and seemingly academic method of codifying and concentrating such feelings under the banner of “Chinese Privilege”.

Know that the logic often does not matter, what matters is the emotional payoff an aggrieved person can get from putting a “Chinese Privilege!” stamp on anything about the Chinese that causes unhappy feelings.

2) Appealing to Rabbit Psychology 

Sangeetha’s Chinese Privilege is also structured to appeal specifically the psychologies of the Rabbit people. If you don’t know what Rabbit means you can refer to the post with the grand summary on Wolves and Rabbits.

The core of Rabbit psychology is anti-competitive, seeking to eliminate all inequality of outcomes no matter the reason. Rabbits value models are also intrinsic, deeply focused on inherent rights, identities and status entitlements without the corresponding extrinsic justifications for such.

As such, claims that Singaporean Chinese are stealing resources and status from that should be rightfully accorded to minorities in Sangeetha’s Chinese Privilege meme are deeply convincing to the Rabbit people that tend to populate the progressive demographic in Singapore.

Not that it does not matter if one can point out other more plausible reasons why there are different outcomes between the Chinese majority and the rest, Rabbit people are cognitively predisposed towards believing the narrative of a hegemonic racist Chinese conspiracy to oppress the rest because that is the quickest way to make the loudest noise and greatest push for resource redistribution.

In short, the radical claims of Sangeetha are specifically designed to best provoke Rabbit instincts among local progressives. This provocation is powerful enough progressives are compelled to move along with it, with the less-rabbity of those who attempt be the moderate voices largely ignored or even attacked outright.

Sangeetha has also hedged her bets well by setting up a local version of the progressive stack and making a hard sell for it in the opening arguments for her Chinese Privilege gig several years back, conveniently placing herself, an overweight, dark-skinned southern Indian woman sorely at the bottom of the stack in order to claim the right as progressive moral arbiter over everyone else. This has allowed her relatively free reign to control and redefine a great deal of discourse on race in progressive circles although there is some indication that she might be overreaching of late and alienating segments of her ilk higher up her stack.

To sum it up, Chinese Privilege has been rather convincing to anyone of a progressive disposition due to it being able to appeal well to various aspects of Rabbit psychology. This has allowed Chinese Privilege as a meme to entrench itself deeply within liberal circles in Singapore, of which uprooting it will probably require monumental effort from moderates.

Interestingly, the specific construction of Sangeetha’s Chinese Privilege in order to appeal to Rabbit people can be seen via the contrast of reactions in minority individuals who have more Wolf dispositions- they tend to be less welcoming of Sangeetha’s assertions, and sometimes even outrightly hostile. The Wolf people rightfully reject all this race-baiting as nonsense, even when it promises them a moral high horse.

3) Memetic Hijack of Western Progressive Memes

On a technical level there is nothing terribly original about Sangeetha’s Chinese Privilege- it’s original presentation was chunks of writings on White Privilege by Western Progressives taken wholesale with the racial terms swapped to turn White to Chinese, completely ignoring the differing cultural and historical contexts that exist.

Criticisms of Chinese Privilege as being plagiarised and shoehorned to fit a local perspective miss the point. Sangeetha doesn’t need Chinese Privilege to be original or even appropriate for application here as a cultural theory- all she needs is something that will catch the attention of local liberals already using all the buzzwords and rhetoric they are familiar with.

This outright appropriation of White Privilege serves several purposes: being a cookie-cutter term-swapped social theory Chinese Privilege can piggyback on established memes within the headspace of local progressives already set up by the White Privilege narrative, giving the same feel of authenticity and credibility White Privilege already has.

This is why the output of local progressives on Chinese and White privilege often appear indistinguishable, in their heads it is literally the same meme, just with different skin colours.

The power of this transposing effect was so much that several minorities I observed who drank Sangeetha’s cool aid started equating their situation in Singapore as equivalent to that of African Americans!

Far from being a weakness, the shameless plagiarisation of White Privilege in Chinese a Privilege is a rhetoric strength, a memetic hijack that has paid dividends for local race-baiters.

Remember, an argument does not need to be valid to be convincing, it can take on the guise of other accepted arguments in an act of rhetorical mimicry to slip in and set root.

4) Meeting Regressive Idealogical Demand

One also needs to examine and understand local idealogical market forces to understand how Chinese Privilege has obtained it’s manipulative power.

For a long time liberalism in Singapore has been largely tied to opposition politics with parties such as the SDP being the flag bearer for the further left of the spectrum. While civil society did exist and was ideologically leftist and probably more so, the bulk of minds in the populace on the left was occupied by local opposition politics.

Then came the the stunning opposition victories of 2011 which built up support for opposition politics to a frothing fever pitch (as a matter of fact opposition supporters often behaved in a manner similar to SJWs), with local liberals confident that GE 2015 would be another stunning success.

Then came the crushing defeats they routed and discredited the opposition as the ground swung to the PAP in 2015, a trend that has not let up in a series of losing streaks and misfortunes for local political parties.

This was however a boon for local Progressives as there was now a power vacuum in local leftism since the collapse of the political opposition. Where your idealistic young uni undergrads may once have seen opposition political activism in the years of 2011-2015 as an outlet to their inflated-self perception of revolutionary righteousness, the post 2015 environment only has SJWism for them to sign up for.

This has consequently led to a swell in the ranks of progressives in Singapore. This sets up a buyers market for any progressive idea that can be successfully localised- after all it’s more payoff to SJWing on stuff here as opposed to posting about social issues in America.

This demand for local progressive memes is a natural market for Sangeetha’s Chinese Privilege narrative and its various permutations. While basically repurposed White Privilege, Sangeetha has managed to hawk a meme that appears localised enough for local regressive to latch onto and propagate.

Conclusion and Initial Insurgent Strategy 

Chinese Privilege as a meme has proven to be effective in infiltrating and entrenching itself in the idealogical landscape of Singapore. While currently generally restricted to the English-educated and speaking liberal demographic one expects that barring the takeover of another more attractive progressive ideology it is expected to progress.

Chinese Privilege as a meme finds it’s success and appeal not because it is a valid work of academic social commentary, by manipulating several key centers of gravity in the idealogical battlefield to becoming rather convincing, they are:

1) Manipulating the emotions of aggrieved minorities by providing a plausible and codified belief system to concentrate, amplify and direct the negativity.

2) Manipulating the Rabbit psychology of liberals by structuring the rhetoric within Chinese Privilege to trigger instinctive Rabbit anti-competitiveness and aversion to differential outcomes, biasing such individuals towards be ideology.

3) Appropriating accepted memes such as White Privilege to take advantage of meme hijack in order to expedite acceptance of Chinese Privilege in the headspace of Progressives.

4) Meeting pent-up market demand for localised ideologies among local Progressives looking for a justification to conduct local activism.

These 4 main factors are why Chinese Privilege by Sangeetha as been relatively successful as a local progressive meme, which is at this point largely self-sustaining without much action on its originator.

Many traditional attempts to address Chinese Privilege are conducted on logical validity of the ideas themselves instead of understanding these 4 factors, and hence they fall short of even starting to dent it’s memetic appeal.

Red Pill social insurgents operating outside traditional paradigms of discourse need to realise that Chinese Privilege as a meme can only be defeated if these 4 centers of gravity are addressed. Fortunately as Red Pills, you are in possession of powerful knowledge that allows you to do just that. Talon will be addressing those in other posts on the matter.

You need to realise that the ultimate endgame of Chinese Privilege is not the elimination of racism from Singaporean society but rather the amplification of fault lines within the social fabric of Singapore. As a meme that finds its sustenance for existence by finding and defining racism in everything it will never stop until it’s acolytes are completely offended by everything, no matter how innocuous, with the races further from common ground as they have ever been.

We only need to look to America to see how badly this can turn out and mark my worlds that this is the outcome if the destructive meme of Chinese Privilege is allowed to run unchecked.

Choose The Right Weapon


A common mistake I see Red Pill social insurgents new to the game make in online debate is that they tend to engage with infodumps containing Red Pill walls-of-texts to debunk Progressive lies.

Remember that it doesn’t matter how watertight your carefully-argued post is if it is so dense that nobody bothers to read through all of it. Remember that arguments online are rarely won by making your opponent concede through the sheer force of logic, facts and reason itself especially if you are dealing with Rabbit psychologies, which you most probably will be when engaging Progressives.

Rather remember that you are conducting this debate for an audience, and the trick is to present your arguments in such a way that it appeals to the neutral third-party audience reading all this. The debate is a platform on which you have an opportunity to present Red Pill truths to the wider world in the guise of competing with mainstream Progressive ideology. Wall-of-texts are a terrible way of doing this, especially if the exchange ends up being back and forth engagements consisting of such.

Know that wall-of-text debates only has an audience of two- you and your enemy and are often a waste of time and energy to engage in. The exception is if you are engaging with a person who is really interested in the truth and acting in good faith even if they disagree, at which case wall-of-texts may be worth it as an exercise of one-t0-one persuation and to hone your own arguments and thoughts.

Instead of the noob infodump tactic, remember that being effective in a debate with your enemy (idealogical opponent acting in bad faith) will involve being able to be linguistically devastating to both their arguments, ideas, egos and psyches in as little words as possible. Learn to keep your posts short and to the point, demonstrating full control of the situation with as little effort as possible.

Remember that less is often more. One devastatingly powerful realtalk smackdown given in just two lines utterly shattering your opponent is often better than a 10 paragraph point-by-point debunking. This works even better if your opponent is Wall-Of-Texting as the contrast between one party who just can’t shut up and another who knows how to smash his opponent in just a tweet makes you appear masterful.

So look through your opponent’s argument and find the fatal flaw, exploit that for a single powerful attack instead of trying to hit every nit-pick, losing focus and the audience’s attention in the process.

Remember to choose the right tools. Less is more; learn to destroy your ideological enemies in just a paragraph demonstrating Red Pill truths, confidence, and mastery. The audience will see the contrast and naturally gravitate towards the more charismatic side, even if they don’t say it. Bonus points if your SJW opponent helps by melting down. It’s going to take practice, and the sooner you start learning your basic Shitlording skills the better.


Wolf and Rabbit People: A Summary


I’ve noticed an uptick of readers to this blog recently, especially on posts involving social commentary. Be you a new or regular visitor to this blog you might have realise I often use the terms “Wolf” and “Rabbit” when describing people. This might be confusing to new readers who are not aware of the basics of r/K Selection theory and how it has been used in many aspects of Manosphere thought to analyse social issues.

It is from r/K selection theory that we get the terms “Wolf” and “Rabbit”, which are archetypes used to describe the psychologies of individuals based on how they fall on the r/K spectrum. These terms are useful because their namesakes closely resemble the types of psychologies we see in r or K selected people.

Understanding r/K psychologies can provide you with a useful model to decipher the underlying instincts and motivations that drive human behaviour. Man is often an irrational creature that gives retroactive justifications to his actions to give them a veneer of rationality, more so if he has subscribed to reality-denying ideologies like Progressivism.

A common mistake many new social insurgents make when they first enter the ideological battlefield is that they attempt to achieve their aims by convincing neutrals and defeating enemies through the brute force approach of attempting to “logic” their way to victory. While Red Pill truths can be a powerful knife that cuts to the core of many Blue Pill psyches the brute force reasoning approach rarely works as the natural inclinations of people to avoid cognitive dissonance will cause them to deny reality even if it stares them in the face.

This is why you often can’t unplug many invested Betas just by hitting them with cold hard reason and truth, more often than not they will just double down because that feels better.

To be effective you need to truly understand their underlying subconscious instincts and motivations, making your influence felt there instead of just on the intellectual plane. This is why a good understanding of how the Rabbit and Wolf people tick is imperative for your success in the ideological battlefield.

So without ado, a short cheat sheet and some exposition on how things work regarding the psychology of the Wolf and Rabbit people:

The Grand Matrix of Wolf and Rabbit People




Attitude towards Competition Competitive Anti-Competitive
Resource Perspective Resources viewed as limited- needs to be worked for and carefully managed

Resources viewed as unlimited and readily available

Value Model Extrinsic, based on merit (eg. social ranking, meritocracy) Intrinsic, assumes value by virtue of existing. (eg. basic unalienable rights)
Sexuality Favours late sexualisation of young, controlled breeding, conservative and puritanical

Favours promiscuity, young sexualised early. Novelty seeking prioritised

Investment in offspring

High- young receives high level of parental investment. Parents want best for offspring

Low- reduced investment in raising young, parents less interested in offspring outcome
Resource Distribution Merit-based
(earn what you eat)
(everyone gets an equal share)
Group Loyalty High- loyalty to in-group is seen as important, associations tend to be deliberate and formal Low- trust and loyalty is not important to in-group, associations tend to be a matter of convenience
Response to Threats Fight/Resist Flee/Submit
Violence Highly structured and ritualised with formal rules of combat Unstructured, spontaneous mob violence with no rules of combat
Value System Principle Based- making and breaking the rules structured on formal principals even if unpleasant Emotion Based- rules are made and broken based on how good they make one feel
Favoured Environment Harsh, Resource-restricted Easy, Resource-abundant
Gender Model Dimorphic- clear division of roles between the genders. Males tend to be more masculine and females feminine

Androgynous- males can be more feminised while females more masculine. Genders roles more interchanagable  

There you have it, the main attributes and differences between the Wolf and Rabbit people summed up in one big table, you will probably start to realise that a good deal of your friends mainly fit into one archetype as you go down this table. You would also realise that your Progressive acquaintances tend to be hardcore Rabbit.

While nobody cleanly fits into either archetype fully- it’s a spectrum after all, understanding the key aspects of Wolf and Rabbit psychology will allow you to better deconstruct a lot of the leftist memes that are flooding the ideological battlefield. Understanding your enemy will also allow you to choose better approaches.

For example, if you realise that a people you are engaging are hardcore Rabbits, appealing to their sense of loyalty in order to make an argument is a very poor move as Rabbits have low in-group loyalty. Calling them as disloyal is unlikely to illicit much of a response as Rabbits do not really understand the concept of loyalty to the in-group and might even see it as a virtue to sell everyone out for personal gain.

A common mistake that people make when formulating rhetorical attacks is creating them based on what they personally fear instead of their enemy is actually afraid of. This is psychological projection and is a poor method of picking your linguistic kill-shots. I’ve also seen many Wolves who engaged Rabbits expecting a fair and honourable fight on the plains of logic only to get dogpiled and Doxxed because they didn’t understand Rabbit violence is unregulated and anarchic with no respect for the rules of war to limit damage to all parties involved. You need to understand your Rabbit opponent and know what makes them tick in order to safeguard yourself and be effective.

Being anti-competitive, the real fear that Rabbits face is the prospect of being trust back into a competitive environment where they have to compete with the Wolf people for resources. This fear underlies much of their rhetoric on why resources should always be redistributed regardless of merit and society be made as “equal” as possible. Hence, forcing through verbal guile to make a Rabbit conclude that they need to earn their keep is a good way to make them freak out and lose control.

Understanding that Rabbit morality is emotionally rather than rule based will also pay dividends in making sense of the various SJW ideologies that are churned out en masse by the Cultural Marxist machine. When you know that they are structured with the end goal of making sure there are no bad feels on the part of their holders, the various logical incongruences start to make sense because the ideology, despite having an appearance of being a logical argument, was never intended to be one in the first place.

Know that the a good way to attack these ideologies are by taking advantage of the emotional nature of Rabbit emotions to make them dismantle themselves. Very often you can mobilise one SJW ideology with greater emotional impact to demolish another one simply by setting one SJW to clash with another, the low-trust and unstructured nature of how Rabbits conduct violence will mean that it often ends up being a zero-sum game between the two. All this is way more effective than attacking the fortress of their ideas from the outside of the Rabbit warrens.

As always, knowledge is power and as a social insurgent you need to know the enemy and attack all their weak spots. Know your Wolf and Rabbit people well.

The Problems With Singaporean Men


Now Talon has devoted a lot of digital ink here to debunking the myths that mainstream feminism has put out to take advantage of hapless Betas as well as mercilessly torn down the idealistic Blue Pill pedestals to let them see women in a more realistic light.

All this is necessary and needed as Red Pill knowledge is not relatively common here and addressing the most obvious and damaging false Blue Pill ideas out there is of priority. The deck is stacked against you if you are a Singaporean Asian dude, and that’s the way it is and is going to be.

Talon is not here to sugar coat the truth for you, but you tell it to you as it is.

However it is not enough that one sees the external factors causing the problems but the internal ones as well. Gaining Red Pill knowledge exposing the lies that the Blue Pill mainstream try to sell to you to put you under their thrall is easy enough, but realising that Red Pill truth judges you just as harshly is something that many Betas trying to unplug often do not get.

The internal is just as important as the external, and in many cases more so. I have seen many a man who was aware of external Red Pill realities such as the inevitable hypergamy of women and the lies of progressive culture, but yet at the same time not apply any of those Red Pill retrospection to themselves, remaining as hapless a Beta as they were before, except this time more bitter and insular and blaming the world for everything.

This is from where you most stunted MGTOW and hysterical MRAs are born. Without a realisation that one needs to improve themselves in light of the truth, seeing Red Pill truths in the outside world will only lead to bitterness and paralysis.

Which is why I will sometimes need to find some time to address the common personal failings of Singaporean men, and while some of these are due to ingesting Blue Pill perspectives and getting the wool pulled over their eyes by feminism and progressive lies, a good part of these failings are due to poor personal choices, bad attitudes, entitlement, and sheer stubbornness.

So without further ado, let’s start:

1. Beta Lack of Backbone

This is a relatively common problem with Singaporean men- they often lack the balls to stand up for themselves when they should. Yes being asians we come from a high-context collectivist culture where we value harmony and compliance more than the low-context Ang Mohs who just speak their minds but one needs to know the difference between being the strong silent type and the kind that just takes whatever life gives you up the ass.

This lack of backbone means that Singaporean men often back down from challenges and roll over to show their belly the moment they are faced with something threatening. Instead of confronting the threat like an Alpha would or using social jiu-jitsu to disarm it like a Sigma, the hapless Singaporean beta male will just submit even if it means his humiliation.

The lack of backbone and over-compliance renders Singaporean men unattractive.

2. Excessive Complaining

Complaining is a Singaporean past time, we just love to bitch about everything.

There’s a problem with that, a bitching man is extremely unattractive. For some reason a good deal of Singaporean men think that complaining as loudly about something as possible helps things. It does not. People expect men to solve problems, not sit around flapping their gums and making a din about why everything sucks. All you are demonstrating is your powerlessness, lack of emotional control, and inability to get your shit together. Needless to say, all these are turnoffs.

If you want to be the mysterious strong silent type, which coincidently is rather attractive, learn not to complain about everything and keep them to a minimum.

3. Poor Physical Fitnesspioneer-batch-of-ns-enlistees

For a good deal of Singaporean guys the only experience they have with physical training is when the SAF gets them off their ass and forces them to take IPPT. By and large I notice a good deal seem content to get by in life without paying much attention to their personal physical prowess, getting fat and obese or scrawny with poor muscle tone.

And these often are the dudes who wonder why girls don’t find them attractive, they seem to think niceguy spam will overpower their rather obvious and voluntary physical inaptitude.

Not taking care of your body advertises low standards for yourself and consequently, low status. Many Singaporean men for some reason, don’t get this fundamental reason or have convinced themselves it doesn’t matter because “The One” will see them for who they truly are inside. Bullshit.

One of the first Red Pill habits you learn is to get yourself in shape to the best of your ability. You don’t need to be Schwarzenegger but you should at least be able to competent at the basic lifts and have a regular lifting schedule.

Remember as an Asian Singaporean man you are already at a disadvantage, you are working against stereotypes that have been built up over years of doing masculinity wrong. An Ang Moh can afford to get fat or remain scrawny and still stand a fair chance of pulling an SPG by taking advantage of Pinkerton Syndrome. You on the other hand have to work a lot harder just to be in the game.

4. Poor Groomingchronicwriter-nose-picker

Very common among Singaporean men, we just dress in whatever suits us and being in the tropics that often means shorts and slippers. Even Talon is guilty of this sometimes (but his Sigma charisma helps) when he is lazy but tries not to make a habit of it.

Take some effort to dress decently, you don’t need to be a metrosexual (in fact you should avoid that entirely) but you need to learn how to dress like a man.

The suit often makes the man, invest a little in what you wear, and combined with good physical fitness this will elevate your ranking in the Dating Marketplace.

5. Nice Guy Game

I can’t count how many times I’ve seen this with local men, who think they can win their way into a woman’s heart by inserting as many kindness coins as possible until she finally agrees to be a girlfriend. This unfortunately, seems to be the default paradigm most Singaporean guys have.

I am not saying that you shouldn’t be nice to women who are important to you, but realise there is a difference between being a good man who is kind because he chooses to and a man who has no options but to be nice because that’s his only value proposition.

Most Singaporean men are the latter, and the instantly triggers the “low status” detector in women.

6. Entitlementgilbert-goh-rejected

Princess syndrome is a real problem with Singaporean girls, but the men aren’t too far behind in the entitlement department as well. This can be most seen along with point number 2 when they make a lot of noise about how serving National Service somehow entitles them to loyalty from girlfriend and for local women to find them attractive, as well as how the state owes them good jobs and housing for doing so.

An entitled guy who has not earned the right to make these demands is unattractive. Nobody wants to be around a man who thinks the whole world owes him everything on a platter just because he got conscripted.

If you want something, go out and put some effort into it and get that shit done.

7. Deliberate Bitter Helplessnessquote-men-can-such-the-heady-juice-of-exalted-self-importance-from-the-bitter-weed-of-failure-failures-david-herbert-lawrence-284369

I’ve saved this for last because this is one of the biggest problems I see with local men- that of deliberately and wilfully forestalling self-improvement, preferring to bitterly complain about how Singapore has given them the shaft and how local women are disloyal entitled SPG princesses instead of taking a cold hard look at themselves to see what bits they could improve in themselves.

This is the antithesis of what the Red Pill teaches us about masculinity and represents a feminine way of dealing with the world- bitch about it until somebody else fixes it for you.

Men who engage in deliberate helplessness just so they can be bitter at everything are complete losers, because they literally have virtually no value to anyone or anything and worse, are often a drag on others because of all their drama. These are the people who don’t self-improve and embark on a quest of self-discovery because they choose not to.

They look at the masculine journey as detailed by the Red Pill and turn their backs upon it, because the truth requires that you help yourself and do the hard work of becoming a man. They think the world will heed their cries and pull them out of their mud-bath of self-pitying but don’t realise that such help only applies for vagina-owners.


There are more problems that plague Singaporean men and affect their prospects of a happy, self-actualised life of course, but these 7 basic issues are what you can take note of first as they are so common and widespread here. Take steps to eliminate them if you ever find them in your life for they are obstacles on the path of your masculine journey.