Red Flags

The Problems With Singaporean Men


Now Talon has devoted a lot of digital ink here to debunking the myths that mainstream feminism has put out to take advantage of hapless Betas as well as mercilessly torn down the idealistic Blue Pill pedestals to let them see women in a more realistic light.

All this is necessary and needed as Red Pill knowledge is not relatively common here and addressing the most obvious and damaging false Blue Pill ideas out there is of priority. The deck is stacked against you if you are a Singaporean Asian dude, and that’s the way it is and is going to be.

Talon is not here to sugar coat the truth for you, but you tell it to you as it is.

However it is not enough that one sees the external factors causing the problems but the internal ones as well. Gaining Red Pill knowledge exposing the lies that the Blue Pill mainstream try to sell to you to put you under their thrall is easy enough, but realising that Red Pill truth judges you just as harshly is something that many Betas trying to unplug often do not get.

The internal is just as important as the external, and in many cases more so. I have seen many a man who was aware of external Red Pill realities such as the inevitable hypergamy of women and the lies of progressive culture, but yet at the same time not apply any of those Red Pill retrospection to themselves, remaining as hapless a Beta as they were before, except this time more bitter and insular and blaming the world for everything.

This is from where you most stunted MGTOW and hysterical MRAs are born. Without a realisation that one needs to improve themselves in light of the truth, seeing Red Pill truths in the outside world will only lead to bitterness and paralysis.

Which is why I will sometimes need to find some time to address the common personal failings of Singaporean men, and while some of these are due to ingesting Blue Pill perspectives and getting the wool pulled over their eyes by feminism and progressive lies, a good part of these failings are due to poor personal choices, bad attitudes, entitlement, and sheer stubbornness.

So without further ado, let’s start:

1. Beta Lack of Backbone

This is a relatively common problem with Singaporean men- they often lack the balls to stand up for themselves when they should. Yes being asians we come from a high-context collectivist culture where we value harmony and compliance more than the low-context Ang Mohs who just speak their minds but one needs to know the difference between being the strong silent type and the kind that just takes whatever life gives you up the ass.

This lack of backbone means that Singaporean men often back down from challenges and roll over to show their belly the moment they are faced with something threatening. Instead of confronting the threat like an Alpha would or using social jiu-jitsu to disarm it like a Sigma, the hapless Singaporean beta male will just submit even if it means his humiliation.

The lack of backbone and over-compliance renders Singaporean men unattractive.

2. Excessive Complaining

Complaining is a Singaporean past time, we just love to bitch about everything.

There’s a problem with that, a bitching man is extremely unattractive. For some reason a good deal of Singaporean men think that complaining as loudly about something as possible helps things. It does not. People expect men to solve problems, not sit around flapping their gums and making a din about why everything sucks. All you are demonstrating is your powerlessness, lack of emotional control, and inability to get your shit together. Needless to say, all these are turnoffs.

If you want to be the mysterious strong silent type, which coincidently is rather attractive, learn not to complain about everything and keep them to a minimum.

3. Poor Physical Fitnesspioneer-batch-of-ns-enlistees

For a good deal of Singaporean guys the only experience they have with physical training is when the SAF gets them off their ass and forces them to take IPPT. By and large I notice a good deal seem content to get by in life without paying much attention to their personal physical prowess, getting fat and obese or scrawny with poor muscle tone.

And these often are the dudes who wonder why girls don’t find them attractive, they seem to think niceguy spam will overpower their rather obvious and voluntary physical inaptitude.

Not taking care of your body advertises low standards for yourself and consequently, low status. Many Singaporean men for some reason, don’t get this fundamental reason or have convinced themselves it doesn’t matter because “The One” will see them for who they truly are inside. Bullshit.

One of the first Red Pill habits you learn is to get yourself in shape to the best of your ability. You don’t need to be Schwarzenegger but you should at least be able to competent at the basic lifts and have a regular lifting schedule.

Remember as an Asian Singaporean man you are already at a disadvantage, you are working against stereotypes that have been built up over years of doing masculinity wrong. An Ang Moh can afford to get fat or remain scrawny and still stand a fair chance of pulling an SPG by taking advantage of Pinkerton Syndrome. You on the other hand have to work a lot harder just to be in the game.

4. Poor Groomingchronicwriter-nose-picker

Very common among Singaporean men, we just dress in whatever suits us and being in the tropics that often means shorts and slippers. Even Talon is guilty of this sometimes (but his Sigma charisma helps) when he is lazy but tries not to make a habit of it.

Take some effort to dress decently, you don’t need to be a metrosexual (in fact you should avoid that entirely) but you need to learn how to dress like a man.

The suit often makes the man, invest a little in what you wear, and combined with good physical fitness this will elevate your ranking in the Dating Marketplace.

5. Nice Guy Game

I can’t count how many times I’ve seen this with local men, who think they can win their way into a woman’s heart by inserting as many kindness coins as possible until she finally agrees to be a girlfriend. This unfortunately, seems to be the default paradigm most Singaporean guys have.

I am not saying that you shouldn’t be nice to women who are important to you, but realise there is a difference between being a good man who is kind because he chooses to and a man who has no options but to be nice because that’s his only value proposition.

Most Singaporean men are the latter, and the instantly triggers the “low status” detector in women.

6. Entitlementgilbert-goh-rejected

Princess syndrome is a real problem with Singaporean girls, but the men aren’t too far behind in the entitlement department as well. This can be most seen along with point number 2 when they make a lot of noise about how serving National Service somehow entitles them to loyalty from girlfriend and for local women to find them attractive, as well as how the state owes them good jobs and housing for doing so.

An entitled guy who has not earned the right to make these demands is unattractive. Nobody wants to be around a man who thinks the whole world owes him everything on a platter just because he got conscripted.

If you want something, go out and put some effort into it and get that shit done.

7. Deliberate Bitter Helplessnessquote-men-can-such-the-heady-juice-of-exalted-self-importance-from-the-bitter-weed-of-failure-failures-david-herbert-lawrence-284369

I’ve saved this for last because this is one of the biggest problems I see with local men- that of deliberately and wilfully forestalling self-improvement, preferring to bitterly complain about how Singapore has given them the shaft and how local women are disloyal entitled SPG princesses instead of taking a cold hard look at themselves to see what bits they could improve in themselves.

This is the antithesis of what the Red Pill teaches us about masculinity and represents a feminine way of dealing with the world- bitch about it until somebody else fixes it for you.

Men who engage in deliberate helplessness just so they can be bitter at everything are complete losers, because they literally have virtually no value to anyone or anything and worse, are often a drag on others because of all their drama. These are the people who don’t self-improve and embark on a quest of self-discovery because they choose not to.

They look at the masculine journey as detailed by the Red Pill and turn their backs upon it, because the truth requires that you help yourself and do the hard work of becoming a man. They think the world will heed their cries and pull them out of their mud-bath of self-pitying but don’t realise that such help only applies for vagina-owners.


There are more problems that plague Singaporean men and affect their prospects of a happy, self-actualised life of course, but these 7 basic issues are what you can take note of first as they are so common and widespread here. Take steps to eliminate them if you ever find them in your life for they are obstacles on the path of your masculine journey.




Female Red Flags: Singapore Edition Part 1


Despite the explosion of Red Pill awareness around the world in recent years, a significant proportion of Singaporean men do not have a good grasp of Red Pill principles.

Being a high-context asian soceity aside, (which means a good deal of local men are already mass-produced, repressed Blue Pills deeply invested in the Beta script towards relationship success) Red Pill knowledge still largely exists as an western body of knowledge tailored for the American/European context, which are low-context cultures facing relatively different pressures and challenges.

But the basic Red Pill truths are pretty much universal and apply across all cultures, it just takes dedicated work of several social insurgents working to localise it for their own cultures. A small but rapidly growing community of Red Pill aware men are rising in our sunny island state, and Talon here is one working tirelessly to unplug as many local Blue Pills as possible and prepare them to face an increasingly degenerate soceity that has stacked the deck against hapless beta men.

So let’s get to the meat for today’s post, female red flags, SINGAPORE EDITION.

Through the past few years of interacting with my social circle after becoming Red Pill, I’ve realised that a good amount of guys make extremely poor choices while choosing women for a relationship.

I am not talking about short term flings or one night stands here- you can find plenty of advice on that with the various PUA communities here, but rather long term commitment. The Long Term Relationship, the woman you intend to make a wife of, to build a legacy with.

For those of you who are MGTOW or don’t see the need to get into an LTR or marriage that’s alright, you can stop reading at this point- we are free men to choose whatever rocks our boat.

But Talon asserts that healthy marriages and relationships are the basic building block of any civillisation, and a fundamental unit in which the culture war will be won. Functional LTRs and marriages build a functional soceity while dysfunctional ones lead to degeneration, but all that is for another post- we are here practical advice.

In any case a good deal of guys are still interested in going down the LTR path and wonder how they can do so without getting burned or their heart ripped out through their wallet in divorce court. So what is the secret to avoid all this? It really all starts with the quality of the woman you choose to be involved with.

A good and faithful woman with her head screwed on properly will build something quite wonderful with (preferably a Red Pill) you in an LTR/marriage. A one of poor quality will bring nothing but grief for you.

Being a masculine, Red Pill aware man means knowing how to unapologetically sort the wheat from the chaff. The Blue Pill delusions assert that every woman is equally beautiful, valuable and wonderful for an LTR, but the Red Pill knows that value propositions and risk factors from the parties within a relationship matters.

As part of your Red Pill sorting process, you need to be able look out for the Red Flags first- these are warning indicators that you must heed and not make excuses for as they indicate a high-probability that you are dealing with a very poor risk for an LTR. While having a red flag may not mean that an LTR woman is automatically going to fail, they should at the very least warrant more attention and investigation on your side. Several red flags in an individual should be more than enough indication for you to consider them a deal breaker and move on the better prospects.

Remember that you need to be ruthless in your sorting, this is your life you are talking about. Many beta Blue Pills have been burned because they overlooked too many red flags in their “perfect one”.

So enough for all that preamble, let’s look into 5 basic Red Flags you need to be aware of:

1.  High Sexual Partner Count


Basically, the woman is a bona-fide sexually active slut and has had a sexual history with an extremely high partner count. In the manosphere this is known as the Notch number, or N for short.

Studies have indicated that a higher N count raises the divorce risk with a woman. The more previous sexual partners she has had, the more likely your marriage will not last. The manosphere has many theories on this and they are worth many an article, but the basic gist is that having a high number of previous sexual partners affects a woman’s ability to bond with you.

The N count of any woman is something you should take deliberate steps to find out. It should be the first thing you should always try to find out if possible. It may take some effort to tease out the truth as women have a habit of under-declaring their N counts, especially in Asia when they are trying to get a guy for LTR. Be careful, and get some third-party sources of intel if you can.

Remember, no rings for sluts. What she has given away freely she now wants to toil and strive in order to earn. Don’t be the Beta chump. Walk away.

2. “Changing Boyfriends Like Changing Underwear”


We all know the type, the girl who has had a string of multiple relationships and can’t seem to keep in one. While somewhat similar to Red Flag 1, with the difference being these boyfriends don’t necessarily need to have been her sexual partners.

In any case, a girl who goes through a lot of relationships in short order advertises a lack of qualities that make her desirable as an LTR. She is likely to be emotionally immature, has no concept of commitment, and sees relationships mainly as a source of emotional fulfilment with no need on her side to keep things running once things go tough.

Don’t think that it will be different for you- more likely than not it won’t be and she will always be comparing you to BF #17, #12, and #32 whenever you don’t give her the tingles.

Oh yeah, do we need to mention the chances of cheating with an old flame are probably elevated as well? Walk away and find a woman who understand the concept of sticking through hard times.

Don’t be the guy who invests in a local version of Taylor Swift, your energy and time is better spent elsewhere.

3. She is a Feminist


This one should be a no-brainer if you are already a Red-Pill aware man, but that hasn’t stopped some of my friends who were thinking with their balls. The verdict? Invariably painful.

This is common sense, don’t date a woman has her head filled with theories on why you are evil and oppressive. As much as she may be nice to you now rest assured when the chips are down, her feminist ideas aren’t going to motivate her to bat on your team.

Also, if you guys get married and are thinking of going the way of starting a family good luck trying to convince her to listen to you if she wants to abort your child. Good luck raising children who aren’t conditioned to hate themselves if they are male, or hold you in contempt as the patriarch. The only approved role you will find yourself playing is that of the snivelling self-deprecating Beta forever handing his balls to his wife, aka. John Scalzi. Don’t be that guy.

While openly feminist women are still relatively rare here in Singapore, they tend to be more common among the english-educated females so you need to be more aware if you are dealing with one. Try to tease out their idealogical leaning subtly and see how they react when their dogma is challenged to determine how much feminist kool-aid they have taken.

4. Emotional Instability/Mental Disorders


This is a sad one and not often within control of the individual, but unfortunately a woman who is emotionally unstable will not be a good LTR prospect. You can try sticking it out if you think you can somehow support her in all that but sometimes it’s best to do that as a friend and not as a partner.

There are cases in which a woman has a personality disorder that compels her purposely farms drama in order to watch you scramble to deal with it. They get a kick from seeing such things happen, don’t be suckered in.

I’ve seen friends who are in LTRs with such characters before, it is ugly. Don’t drink from that bitter cup if you can avoid it. Being emotionally unstable is a big red flag. Don’t take that abuse and walk away for women who know how to control themselves like the Alpha male you are.

5. Tattoos/Colourful Hair/Celebration of Deviant Behaviours


You will probably get a good deal of flack if you ever openly state this as a red flag but it’s true. There is a correlation between tattoos and risk-taking deviant behaviour, scaling with the amount of ink a woman has. Be especially aware if she has had a lot done.

Getting tattoos is indicative of a particular psychology that celebrates novelty-seeking and risk-taking. While not bad things in themselves, they represent a risk that you need to be aware of for an LTR. A woman who is okay with stamping herself with ink is also more likely to be predisposed to think that suboptimal behaviours that affect an LTR is okay, as long as it excites her.

More importantly, it also indicates that a woman has non-traditional views of her femininity and is willing to disfigure herself permanently to do so. This is especially so if the tattoos are frivolous and generally meaningless, pay attention to bullshit quotes and cutesy designs. This is indicative of a mentality that is present-oriented and does not really think for the future.

Coloured hair is also something you should look out for, especially if they are extremely bright and attention seeking. The woman who does her hair this way wants attention and is sending out a message. The message you should be getting that this is a red flag for LTR prospects and she is likely to be trouble.

Ideologically, you should also sound them off on their opinions of deviant behaviours. The more acceptance and celebration of degeneracy and deviancy the less likely they are to be good LTR prospects for a Red Pill masculine man.

Unfortunately, an increasing number of Singaporean women are increasingly disfiguring themselves with bad tattoos, attention-seeking hair colours, and celebrating deviant behaviours. Don’t add to the degeneracy by adding market demand via dating these women. Have standards.


These are just 5 basic Red Flags that you need to look into as you consider a woman for an LTR prospect. Remember that while the existence of a Red Flag may not automatically disqualify her it is something you need to be aware of and investigate throughly in order to determine their impact.

We will be looking into more Red Flags in upcoming posts, but learn to be aware of these 5 first.